Thursday, February 13, 2025


Following up on my previous post on sculpting Montieth Rock (aka, “Rooster Rock”), I got fresh information thanks to that first blog post.  Clive Wright, a long-time railroad friend from Northern California, did a quick search for pictures of Montieth Rock and came up with ebay listings for a postcard that shows the geographic western face of the rock.  I followed the link and ordered one.  The postcard turned out to be published by the Southern Pacific.  This likely dated to a time shortly after the completion of the Natron Cutoff (Cascade Line) in the late 1920s.  This was a time when the SP was promoting the scenic wonders along its lines.  


The post card appears to be a colorized version of a black and white photo with the tell-tales of that process (colors a bit too “perfect”).  The photo appears to have been taken fairly soon after the line was placed in service as the forest has not regrown around the railroad clearing and grading work.  Later photos from the steam era (could be post World War II) show more vegetation in the area.  The photo is good enough to provide me with the missing view and led to slight revisions of my notional rock work with paperclay on that geo-west face.  Most notable is a bulge in the mid-section, suggestive of a rooster wing.  Using the photo as a guide, I applied more paperclay.


Geographic west face of my model of Montieth Rock with additional clay molding based on the postcard view shown in the foreground.


Also in response to my original blogpost concerning sculpting the rock face was a separate request for additional, tighter in, photos of my rock-work.  I am an absolute amateur sculptor, but the paperclay proved a good art medium for me to achieve the desired appearance.  Montieth Rock is a volcanic plug that has shed any surrounding material and weathered—rounded or smoothed further.  One happy accident was the way the paperclay cracked as it dried and set. Many of those cracks usefully represented similar cracks I observe in photos.  I filled most of the horizontal cracks, but left the vertical cracks which are seen in photos of the rock.


Close photo of the revised geo-west face of Montieth Rock.  The bulges in the center of the photo were added to existing vertical ridges to expand the rock on this face.  The happy accident of cracks in the clay molding are evident.


Close photo of the geo-SE face of Montieth Rock.  All of the rock features protruding from the base rock are seen in photos of the rock.


I added a protective covering of polyethethelyne to serve as a water barrier per the paperclay instructions.  I experimented with a back wash on the rock-work, but that flowed very freely down the glossy vertical surfaces, not achieving a useful look, but useful as an experiment.  Instead, I reverted to my “Plan-A” by applying a coat of gray paint to rock work that I can then add artist colors to. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Montieth Rock is a volcanic plug rock formation in the canyon leading up from Oakridge to McCredie Springs.  Also known as “Rooster Rock,” this prominent rock formation has caught the eye of photographers of the Cascade Line from its initial construction.  The rock formation is just before Tunnel 21.  As I was building and developing my railroad model, I realized I had space to include this eye-catching rock just before the entrance to Tunnel 21, which helps conceal a tight turn around a wall corner.


I began the model process when I formed the base terrain of the railroad using building insulation foam and Sculptamold.  I shaped the rock base form with insulation foam, using layers of 2-inch foam which I subsequently covered with Sculptamold.  I mixed gray paint in with the Sculptamold so it appeared gray.  It sat that way for a half-dozen years.


Montieth Rock base form made from insulation foam slabs and Sculptamold.


My recent efforts laying down ground cover in this area naturally led to my continuation of forming my model of Montieth Rock.  While I considered sheathing the rock base form using plaster, I chose a clay product instead.  I used Creative Paperclay for the rock face sheathing.

This product works as clay while it remains moist.  It takes about three days for it to set/dry, whereupon it has a hard, almost ceramic consistency.  


While my initial use of the Paperclay was applied directly to the scenery base around the bridge abutments at Salmon Creek, I felt I needed to have a stronger bond to the base form of Sculptamold.  I applied white glue to the Sculptamold base.  I first used Aileen’s Tacky Glue, but eventually moved to simply painting on a thick white glue with a brush.  I have found various consistencies of white glue during my current scenery efforts.  I previously needed to thin this thick glue with water during ground cover application, but the thickness was a definite asset for the rock project with its extensive vertical surfaces.


Aileen’s Sticky Glue application to the rock base prior to applying the Paperclay surface.


I molded the new surface of Montieth Rock in applications over the course of several days.  This allowed me time to consider my progress and consult pictures.  Fortunately, I had a great photo of the geo-East face of the rock taken by friend David Lange that guided my efforts.  All photos I have seen of the rock have been taken of that face as it is next to Tunnel 21 and the ridge penetrated by that tunnel.  


Sculpting the East face of Montieth Rock.  David Lange’s photo is in the foreground.  The rock formation well earns its alternative name as it really does resemble a rooster!


One happy “accident” I discovered during my sheathing and sculpting process is that the Paperclay layer tended to break apart into platelets as it set, leaving cracks.  The vertical cracks are useful as similar cracks appear in David’s photo.  I filled the horizontal cracks with more Paperrclay.


I am now letting my sculpting efforts set thoroughly before I add coloring to the rock.  Per directions for the Paperclay, I will add a waterproof coating of varnish first.  Stay tuned….

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


I continue to work on scenery, mostly one scene at a time.  The latest focus has been on the “Pryor” area between Oakridge and Tunnel 21, just before McCredie Springs.  Pryor is the name of the siding between Oakridge and McCredie Springs—a siding I chose not to model.  I dealt with one of the corners in this area, applying ground cover and then planting trees.  The current focus extends that corner scene in both directions—back toward Oakridge and up past Rooster Rock to Tunnel 21.  


I began the effort by applying my base “dirt” cover to the terrain base.  I used a blend of sanded grout colors for the “dirt.”  I applied a coating of white glue and then sifted the sanded grout onto that.  Initially I painted the full-strength glue on with a brush.  The current batch of white glue I have been using proved quite thick, so subsequent applications were thinned a bit (2:1, glue:water) which still provided the needed glue adhesion while also being easier to apply.  


First section of terrain with dirt applied.  Also note the advancing stretch of forest “jumble” at the edge of the three-dimensional terrain against the backdrop.


During this first step I also applied “forest jumble” to the joint between backdrop and three-dimensional terrain.  The “forest jumble” was composed of small cuttings from the “Green Branches” material I use for tree making.


After the initial dirt application set, I returned to the terrain applying Woodland Scenics fine ground foam in earth and earth blend shades.



Woodland Scenics fine ground foam applied.


After I worked up to and around Rooster Rock, I worked the other way from the previously scenicked corner around past Salmon Creek and into Oakridge.  I still need to complete the bridge and trestle on the Pope and Talbot mill spur that is in front of (aisle side) of the mainline, so the effort around Salmon Creek was only part of the future scene.  I also applied the basic “dirt” (sanded grout) to the Pope and Talbot mill area.  With this, I have at least basic ground cover for the stretch from Oakridge around to Tunnel 21.


Salmon Creek area with dirt and Woodland Scenics ground foam.


Completed stretch of ground cover leading up to Rooster Rock.


Note I still needed to remove the masking tape covering the track.  When I did so, I found I needed to chisel some of the tape at the edges as multiple white glue applications bound it into the terrain.  The residue is in areas that will be covered by ballast.


For now, I have another significant stretch of terrain with ground cover awaiting the future steps of ballast and trees.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

SPH&TS – Sparks, NV

Almost every Fall, the Southern Pacific Historical and Technical Society (SPH&TS) holds its annual convention, usually in a city formerly served by the Southern Pacific and easily accessible to the big populations in urban California (north and south).  This year’s convention was held in Sparks, NV, next door to Reno and site of a major locomotive shop for the SP.  Indeed, our hotel rooms looked out upon the former SP (now UP) yard and the shop buildings.  


The SPH&TS convention has long been on my “must attend” list each year.  In the past it was mostly about information gathering from the many excellent presentations.  Increasingly I now find that I eagerly attend the conventions for the opportunity to meet friends from my past or individuals I have met primarily at this event.  


Me, Ken C, Wouter deW, Wayne C.  Wayne and I have long attended SPH&TS conventions together or at least coordinated.  Wouter has been a long-time friend from afar and made it to this meet which focused upon his primary modeling interest of Donner Pass and the Overland Route.


The presentations tend to focus on topics drawn from the geographic area of the convention. This year was no exception, with topics covering the Overland Limited and the Nevada California and Oregon narrow gauge line that ran from Reno to Lakeview, Oregon.  The NCO line was purchased in 1925 by the SP to form a critical link in what became the Modoc Line which provided a quicker connection for Oregon traffic to the mainline leading to Ogden, Utah.  


In addition to the more formal display of models for a popular vote “contest,” the SPH&TS has now added a day of model display for a Rail Prototype Modelers Meet (RPM).  Several SF Bay Area stalwarts of the RPM movement brought models for display and discussion.  Dave Maffei saw me and remembered my RPM interests from prior meets, most recently the Bridgetown RPM Meet in Portland at the beginning of October.  He asked if I had anything to display.  As it happened, I had a passenger car I brought along to discuss with another modeler, so I joined in.


Several of the RPM displays with my nearly-scratch-built Cascade sleeper in the foreground and extending to Rick H’s. display in the distance.


A hallmark of RPM activity is taking extra effort to achieve closer fidelity to a prototype locomotive, car or structure.  The most common subjects are locomotives and freight cars, but examples of other items such as my passenger car show up and are welcome.  Binding RPM modelers together is the emphasis and effort needed to bring a model closer to what we observe in photos and in person.  


My Cascade sleeper is an example of using commercially-produced car sides together with a core kit (roof, floor, ends) for a Pullman Standard car to achieve a model unavailable elsewhere or for far less cost than rare brass models.  My car features interior walls made of styrene strip and sheet-stock welded to the laser-cut sides.  I brought it along because I had arranged to show it and discuss the construction with a fellow modeler who recently developed an interest in doing a similar job.  I was happy to add it to the RPM displays to provide further exposure to the construction ideas it illustrates.


Wayne and Ken C. and I had time to catch just one of the Reno area layouts open for tour on Saturday afternoon.  We were well-advised by others to get out to Jim Price’s layout.  Jim is building his vision of the Overland Route from the Oakland Mole up over Donner to Sparks.  His layout occupies comparable space to mine.  He has much of the lower levels of his railroad built and operating (seen by car card boxes and other operating aids around the railroad space) and has begun the climb of Donner Pass up to Colfax.


The Oakland Mole on Jim Price’s layout.  The Oakland Mole was the traditional end of the rail line in the SP’s West, with the final miles achieved by ferry service from the Mole to the Ferry Building in San Francisco.


Jim Price’s Roseville ice dock.  The ice dock is 18 feet long, making his refrigerator trains similar in length to my operation.  Note the rising benchwork and platform structure behind this Roseville scene.  Jim has more railroad to build!


The SPH&TS convention drew over 160 in attendance-a marked improvement from two years ago, indicating we are coming out of the Covid-19 doldrums.  I chose not to partake of the extra fare events on Sunday and Monday.  I had seen them in prior visits to the Reno area.  Next year we meet in Tucson.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


One of the first open terrain areas encountered on my railroad as it climbs out of Oakridge is beyond the Salmon Creek bridge and behind the Pope and Talbot saw mill location.  This is a back corner in the layout space and often overlooked.  This was one of my early ground cover experiment areas.  With ground cover in place, this made for a great place to add the forest.


Before I added three-dimensional trees, I needed to augment the trees on the backdrop.  The backdrop had only a little bit of terrain or trees showing above the three-dimensional terrain.  Experience with my initial forest installation at Cruzatte guided my efforts in this back corner.  I needed to add a semblance of trees above the terrain.  The scene needed dark forest represented above the terrain.  


Hillside in the “back corner” behind Pope and Talbot and the initial climb out of Oakridge.  Note there is no forest represented on the backdrop nor any other terrain above the peak of the three-dimensional hillside.


I pulled out my acrylic paints and brushes to add forest above the three-dimensional hill.  The trees of the forest did not need to be fancy as quite a few three-dimensional trees would be installed in front of the backdrop.  Still, I chose to represent typical Douglas Fir shapes, albeit in simple block form.  This was a good chance to experiment with tree painting, knowing most of the effort will be covered by the three-dimensional trees.  I will call this a work in process…..


Initial backdrop tree effort.  I subsequently added more tree shapes between the primary set seen here.  I also experimented with a bit of streaking within these backdrop trees.  I need to develop my backdrop tree techniques further, but these will be fine for this forest.


With the backdrop addressed, I began the three-dimensional forest by installing a row of half-trees against the backdrop.  This image also shows the additional backdrop trees filling in gaps between the primary trees.


Forest development with the back row of half trees and a row of full trees in front of that back row.  One can already see the painted backdrop trees simply extending the forest without calling attention to painted detail.


Bringing the forest down to the track, one can see how this scene will develop.


I ran out of tree-making supplies, so I could just provide a major hint as to how this scene will develop.  Getting this far motivates me to pursue materials to add to the scene!

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Each year at the beginning of August, I do a photo survey of my railroad.  This helps document progress through the year and serves as a useful focal point for blog viewers to see the complete railroad.  Last year’s survey may be found at:

Prior years may be viewed by working back through the links for prior years at the top of each annual survey.


This year I chose to do my photo survey in the midst of my August operating session.  I had two guest operators within a full crew.  Dick D. was one of those and was engineer on the chosen train.  Regular crewmember Craig P. served as Dick’s conductor.  The session picked up from the prior operating session at 1:30 am on the fast clock (3:1 ratio).  That time period on the daily line-up features a fleet of priority trains leaving Eugene RR-West (southbound—toward California) followed by more general freight traffic.  


We will follow the 01-EULAY.  This is the first general manifest train of the day sent south from Eugene with traffic for Los Angeles and beyond.  In the 1984 era represented by the rolling stock and locomotives on the layout, this train is headed for the large SP classification in West Colton, CA, on the east end of the Los Angeles Basin.  The train will pass through another large classification yard at Roseville, CA, but will not have work in that yard.

Eugene Arrival-Departure Yardmaster Vic N. (right) works with yard switcher David L (Left) in the arrival-departure yard.  The A-D Yard features reverse loop staging for RR-West trains.  The yard crew is responsible for sorting outbound cars into appropriate classification tracks for road freights.


Engineer Dick D. (left) and Conductor Craig P. (right) have picked up their train from a departure track and are working out of the A-D Yard.  Their train’s locomotives are seen between them.  They will work out of Eugene on the “West Main” while a RR-East train arrives via the Eugene Mainline and “East Main” immediately in front of them.  


The 01-EULAY works its way through the Eugene Depot area while the Eugene Classification Yard crew continues working.  Rear to front (left to right) in the view are West Switcher Bob L, Yardmaster Emerick S, Engineer Dick D., and East Switcher Rick A.  


With no mainline traffic passing through, Eugene City Switcher John B. (red cap, rear) takes advantage of the break to cross over the mainlines to switch industries at the RR-East end of the depot complex.  The five double slip switches I installed to help create the second mainline between the two Eugene Yard complexes (my “Covid Project”) get a workout during full operating sessions such as this August 2024 session.


Conductor Craig P. watches as our train enters single track at the RR-West end of Eugene.  The mock-up for Eugene Planing is against the backdrop wall.  We met a former manager of that plant during our Alaska tour—small world!  My “RIP Track” (Repair In Place) area is in the foreground.  Crewmembers place bad order cars or cars and car card mismatches in this area.  I succeeded in repairing a half dozen cars from this area before this operating session.


Our train crosses the Willamette River on its way into Springfield.


Dick D. (left) brings the 01-EULAY into Springfield on the siding.  Greg B. (right) waits with his RR-East train on the mainline.


Our train has progressed through much of Springfield with major industries now in view including Rosboro Lumber in the foreground, National Metallurgy peeking in on the right, Clear Fir (doors and window moldings) in the mid-ground, and Tilbury Cement (green silo) back toward the depot.


Another view of the heavy activity at Springfield as our train passes through on the siding in the foreground.  The RR-East train is on the mainline in the middle.  Meanwhile, Mike L. uses the drill track to assist his work on the Marcola Branch in the back with a pair of low-nose GP9s as his power.


Our train has rounded the turnback curve at the end of the Springfield peninsula with Engineer Dick D. in control (right).  Rodger C. is behind him observing the action.  Rodger’s locomotives are waiting at Oakridge to serve as helpers for our train.  The large Neste Resins (Arclin) wood chemical plant dominates the scene on the Marcola Branch, while the last vestiges of an earlier agriculture era hang on, represented by the green grain/seed elevator on the left.


Our train rolls past Westfir and the Western Lumber mill.  We are crossing the bridge over the North Fork of the Willamette River and will plunge through Tunnel 22 into Oakridge.  Dick D. (right) and Craig P. (center) watch their train while Loren M. watches his train at Wicopee in the background.


Jim M. organizes the Oakridge Turn at Oakridge and will switch local industry as the mainline moves traffic.  Our 01-EULAY is arriving in the background.  It will have a mid-train helper inserted into the train here.


Jim M. (left) is working at Oakridge with the Oakridge Turn while helper Engineer Rodger C. (right, blue shirt) watches the mainline action to the left.


Our train crosses Salmon Creek as it leaves Oakridge and begins its climb of the Cascades.  The railroad climbs at a continuous 1.8 percent from here to Cascade Summit.


Dick D. controls our train as it climbs out of Oakridge. Ground cover has been applied in the corner.  Trees for the forest are next.


Rodger C. controls the returning helpers on the point of a RR-East train controlled by Mike B.  Dispatchers often take advantage of a RR-East train to add helpers returning downhill to Oakridge.  This train is passing under Montieth Rock, an interesting volcanic plug found in the Salt Creek Canyon used by the railroad to climb the Cascades.  


Our 01-EULAY is in McCredie Springs.  I “imagineered” a quarry in this location.  Although there are no quarries served by the railroad here, there are several road-served quarries in the immediate area.


A RR-West train climbs out of McCredie Springs, crossing Eagle Creek.  The large viaduct/trestle at Shady Creek looms in the background.  Craig L. (center) controls the helpers while Mike B. (background) controls the entire train.


Loren M. controls a RR-East train downhill out of Wicopee and into Tunnel 20.  The station village at Cruzatte is seen on the level above the train at Wicopee.  While compressed in many ways, this pairing of stations—high and low—occurs in the middle part of the Cascade climb.


The 01-EULAY is arriving at Wicopee (lower track) while a RR-East is descending through Cruzatte.  Helper Engineer Rodger C. is on the left.  Engineer Keith K. has the train at Cruzatte.  Crew for our 01-EULAY, Craig P. and Dick D. are on the right.  Our uphill train is taking the Wicopee siding to allow the RR-East downhill train to keep rolling through on the Main.  It is best to keep the downhill trains rolling rather than exhausting their air brakes and then needing to release those brakes to start rolling, which can be a challenge for safe train handling.


After meeting the downhill RR-East train at Wicopee, our train crosses Salt Creek Trestle with Engineer Dick D. (left) and Helper Engineer Rodger C. (right) seen through the trestle towers.


Our train ventures out onto Noisy Creek Trestle, guided by Rodger and Dick.  My railroad features all three of the steel viaducts/trestles found on the Cascade Line.


After crossing Noisy Creek Trestle (in the background), Dick D. brings our train into Cruzatte.  Cruzatte has a typical SP “company village” built to provide housing for track maintenance and operating personnel in the remote mountain region.  Better road and four-wheel drive vehicles plus changes in railroad operations eventually made such villages obsolete.


Dick and Rodger are bringing their train out of Cruzatte and over Shady Creek Trestle while the RR-East train they met at Wicopee slips over Eagle Creek below them.


The 01-EULAY pokes out of Tunnel 5 and its rock shed on its way toward the summit.


Our train is entering Cascade Summit as the crew of Rodger C, Craig P, and Dick D. looks on.


Rodger C. has cut off his helper locomotives and is moving them onto the Beattie Spur—the usual collection point for helpers at the summit.


With the light helpers over on the Beattie Spur (actually a siding), Dick and Craig put their train back together to continue further RR-West toward California.


Our train is entering Crescent Lake and the end of its journey on my railroad.  Crescent Lake was the historic RR-Division meeting point between the Portland and Shasta Divisions.  The SP merged much of the Shasta Division into a new Oregon Division in 1964.  Crescent Lake on my railroad features a twelve-track reverse-loop staging yard as implied by the locomotive sets in the foreground.


Orchestrating the August 2024, operating session was Dave H.


I am happy that operations on my railroad have settled into a regular routine with most of the crew now familiar with multiple aspects of the operation.  This has been one of my goals for this effort.